Children are the future of a nation. For an emerging country like India, development in the educational sector holds the key to the progress of the nation itself, and education of children is the cornerstone of this progress. But it cannot be achieved without ensuring the welfare of the family and of the child too.

Addressing the areas of education of children, healthcare to the poor, livelihood for the youth and empowerment for women, YUVRAJ Foundation has evolved as an NGO.

Mission Education is a national level programme of YUVRAJ Foundation which aims at encouraging the students, their families to bring up the hidden talents which are lying inside them.


Since its inception in 2015, more than 50,000 children have directly benefitted from our Education NGO programme.

With this moto YUVRAJ foundation is organizing a “STUDENTS APPRECIATION PROGRAMME” on its Founder’s day i.e 21st Sep’2015.

The highlights of this programme will be to appreciate the students of 10th and 12th class by distribting the trophies and medals to the one’s who make the future of India with their extra talent and potential.

Come help our students to discover their own talents and help them to develop a passion for learning that will lasts through their life.